Friday, June 13, 2008

I wish....
Woah, its been almost 6 months since my last post, wonder if i was ever missed....

in the 6months i seen the following:

how the psychos remain psychotic
how the young behave so wrong
how evil i truly am....

i know a bloke from work, from another department, younger and much inexperience in comparison. It all seemed pretty harmless in the beginning. We were assigned a case together which eventually didnt worked out as much as we expected! He then wrote an email to cover his arse to all his superiors, pointing his filthy fingers at me. I had to go through weeks of torture explaining to my superior in MANY one-to=one tea drinking sessions to justify my case. Its like an interviewee who had just lost his task in the apprentice and seeing Donald Trump in the board room, yes i was practically fighting for my life I didnt care if i will loose my job, my position, i just want to prove that i still have my integrity at work.

believe me, my superior has not seen this side of me, i had intense fire in my eyes, persistently arguing my point. i was driving MAD. Although the case was close eventually, i know that this will always be at the back of the bosses' mind. nothing can be done to make amendments.

I learnt a lesson from all of this: to equally cover my arse! i am still unhappy with this incident, it has caused me great hurt, anger and tarnish to my innocent reputation in my career and as a person. I do know him as a 'friend' through a network of ex-colleagues and i am not impressed with his personality and the things he did. (for the sake of karma, i will not mention) I forgive him for his stupidity, low EQ and ignorance, but i will NEVER forget. i still have to work with him for other projects and it seemed that my superior had even arranged for us to work together more often to amend the broken working relationship. some things will never change....

BCCS the young prick who thinks you are so mature and cool headed! i will remember you for as long as i live.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Knock on Wood

Humans can be so misunderstood. A woman of a few words these days is misrepresented as reluctant. I just dont like talking these days. Things can be so wrong at times.

i hate this country, i hate its policies, i hate its leaders, i hate foreign talents, i hate going home early having to find myself stuck in the sweat infested, crowded train, congested human traffic including foreign talents...thats why i contracted stomach flu for more than a week....I hate people leaning on railings (railings are meant for people to hold on to, NOT TO LEAN ON), i hate ego-maniacs, i hate aggressive women (man they are just asking for IT), i hate tolerating laziness and unreasonable stupidity ...most of all, i hate coming back to home to a racket after more than 10 hours of fire fighting.

i appreciate a little peace, i appreciate a little more time.
Sometimes i just need a moment to myself to collect my thoughts, no one, no one seem to grant me this tiny moment.....

i need to get my sanity and 'perky self' by 7am tomorrow. My current entry is to show that i am still alive, slaving and painfully bittered.
if you wanna try to make me feel better, dont! cos the christians boys and gals tried.

Friday, August 03, 2007


Encountered a situation yesterday that was rather frown upon. One of my distant friends who seemed to be monitoring my blog, msn nic and/or whatsoever, had a new job, new gf, basically a new life. (known to the whole world due to extensive publicity with photos and nics), so as a friend, I simply congratulated him. Words I got in return was not within expectation: “you don’t seemed too
good lately, you are very angry from your nics, seemed like you are in DEPRESSION…”. I think this comment deserves its justification.

Firstly as a distant friend, he does not have any rights to my state of emotions and if he is referring to my blog entries, it is obvious that he doesn’t really know me THAT well or had not only missed the very first entry of my blog, in fact he seemed to be missing every detail of it. Kindly be reminded that this is THE place which is all about feminism/bitch/financial life- aka the particle adventure. I voice human stupidities and bitch about life here! Do I really need to remind everyone again!?!!?!
I love my angst, it is what that keeps me advancing in life. Perhaps this person should be more informed before he starts making biased comment, unfair it is, indeed.

If he or anyone else wants me to pen happy stuffs instead, I prefer not. I like to keep happy thoughts to myself as it is personal. It IS as simple as that. Perhaps this ‘friend’ is innocent after all, the fact that he is deep in his new love and life. Come on and get a grip, life goes on and on, no matter where you are. Dont prance on me just because you see the opportunity, to do that, you stink.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I have come across huge different customer personalities. And I decided to joint down some of the more memorable ones: Just today, I had an interesting conversation with one of them, an interesting know-it-all 40ish man. I knew him from the beginning of this year and he was pretty reserved in our first introduction meeting, haha i was amazed today that he was all out to chat with me, and most of all unhesitatingly discussed politics with me. Most of my customers, well practically all actually steered clear of political issues, needless to say politics and the old man. We had a very interesting discussion on whats going on at present: the so-real inflation in SNG (how come no one feel it??? wake up everyone man!!), the speeches that the LEE family made, yes the so-close-to-getting-senile one and we agree that it is called the LEE SAGA.

Another customer is no doubt an absolute intellect. A 40ish man who knows all about commercial investment, sometimes i feel that he should ditch me and be his own banker. Every meeting is definitely good chat on latest financial happenings all over the world: property, interest rates, forex etc. I have certainly learned heaps from him. Oh and i should say he makes the BEST COFFEE!!! never fail to perk me up every visit. Thank you.

Though most of my customers are Japanese based, i must say sometimes they are very anti-Japanese people haha... some of them actually called me to bitch about stuffs in their own companies, erm..i hope they do realized that phones in banks are tapped
. And the funny thing is that we purposely convey in Mandarin and hope they wouldnt silly and naive we can be at times of distress.

These people are the perks to my day most times. It is certainly an aspect of my job that i love (ESP the LEE SAGA)

Leaving my footprints behind.

See ya

Monday, July 16, 2007

Forced myself to start blogging again...My anger persists as long as i am breathing...i will continue to bitch as long as i still have my last breathe.

Working as a comfort woman (aka comforter) in a Japanese Organisation makes me see life so differently. Tough at times. Hey comforting Japanese men isnt easy!!! wonder how long I can continue comforting them...

I have always thot that they are asia's 'germans', u know what i mean...intelligent, creative, hardworking, great food, beautiful country, cute men, pretty chicks.. comforting makes me think perfect as they are, they are PSYCHOTIC! fucking psychos..comforters like me would know what i mean.

Meanwhile meaningless parliamentary debtates running on tv – totally white noise to me. Why do some people has so much free time to debate issues on TV, nothing better to do? Wait, there are actually people being paid millions of dollars simply to debate, shake hands and kiss babies and even better, they just got a couple million bucks raise. Use the monies for better things la…instead of just talking, signing and more talking, wasted all that saliva and water drank…global warming leh. Isnt there better things to do…..use the monies to help the fucking poor, disabled,….worse they just babble on and on…these people just make me sick….or worse some dont even babble, simply hide behind the 'superpowers' and these hiders still get millions.

Things we can do to save Mother Earth (SNG context):

  • Forget national day celebrations- all that fireworks, airplanes wayang is wasting
  • Give bio degradable plastics bags- if you dont want us to use them, give us the biodegradable ones
  • start the recycling campaign again- remember the bins with red, green, blue for us to dump wastes in accordance to their types...people should be civilise to use them by now (otherwise please refer to the next point)
  • use whip when fuckers rummage thru the trash in bins or think batteries are made of paper
  • forget about live earth, its all about 'making use of media' ...what happened in the end, trash lying all around after the worldwide concerts, more people watching tv, waste more electricity...people should have the fucking basic clue on the plight of Mother Earth by watching/reading the news....(sigh forgot propaganda everywhere also)...but at least watch TV/ read news.
*breathless man- sweat* if i continue, i will have high blood pressure, heart attack..and die while blogging...

See ya

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Blog entry halt for awhile

I am a late boomer ;)
sorting out the bits and pieces in my life.

Nevertheless thank you for your support (if any)
Abundance Love to all...

Monday, February 12, 2007


I am happy, counting down not only to a new year, a new beginning. Truth is that we can only see the beauty of humans when expiry employment life draws down. I will miss them, no matter what i have bitched about them, no matter how i much 'arrows' i see flying every day. May sound cliche, they are passerbys of my life and i truly appreciate their existence as they made me stronger, angrier and wiser.

Thank You Lovelies!!

Few weeks back, i was reminded by some article which i had trouble recalling (so much for its significance) that i should not simply waste time on wastees. I was reminded that MY life is CHARMED and i am not even in the middle of my PARTICLE ADVENTURE as yet!

Bye Bye Wastees!!

No matter how filthy, despicable anyone becomes = **Beep** Wastee detected..FLUSH..bye!..

I wanna give more meaning to my life: having the ability to inspire, and be inspired. While someone's getting busy setting up his career from scratch, thus should do something worth while too. Not gonna share them here...yes i am stingy, hey whats new, muahaha

Pssssss: currently moving all the assets back home, gosh??!?!! one could actually accumulate so much trash after just 2 years in office. Wait until i find the disc of pictures i took in Japan, should be in one of the bags of would definitely be posted soon...meanwhile, just wait, i am afraid.