Wednesday, August 31, 2005

*Whats ringing: Love like a Bomb by Oasis*
Lazing Sunday- Asymptotic Freedom
watching clouds, wasting time

For the first time i had a work free weekend (actually i couldnt return to office as the doors were locked and only the CEO's around so wouldnt be too nice to barge in like a mad woman searching for work to bring home) ..... feels kinda weird having no work to do actually...feel of personal freedom kicked in only a few hours after my daily welcome to the world. Did the usuals: acknowledgment from my sis of my existence, healthy exchanges of disagreements with ma, bonded with the iron and ironing board for the next hour....

Watched mindless japanese Animation for the next hour, mind you, its very addictive! and ended up responding to the alluring comfort of the bed, faded into oblivion.....subsequently into the world of arts, visuals and readings.


Saw a publication online that is highly disturbing at least to me, all the more disturbing as its done by someone whom i have known for probably sometime...gosh! simple people with simplistic metality simply have no idea of reality- come on..just let the mind and thoughts be as how and where they are for now and forever. Its no good being different and no use trying, being yourself is good enough. fuck it, the world dont need any more losers.


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