Tuesday, February 28, 2006

"What's ringing: This Boy by Franz Ferdinand"

What I have got for Valentine Day:
(Long overdue but i thought i pen it down anyway)
1. 1 bouquet of flowers: 3 CALALILIES!!!;
2. Fine DInIng;
(with Baby finishing a whole bottle of wine and blabbering nonsense, what a sight!)
3. 1 BIG FACE FOSSIL watch (smart of baby!); N

Thank you Baby

Sunday, February 26, 2006

"What's ringing: Homesick by The Vines"

I have been working till 11pm everynight in my office with no additional pay, incentives, nothing in return.
I work as usual in office at 830 morn every day.
I function like a living corpse.
I wanna kill the CQ programmers, clients and anyone who comes into my way.
I want time at home.
I am going to Amsterdam alone in April- for work.
My debt account is expanding/increasing...oh whatever.
My Book review is long overdue.
I dont wanna come back.
I want my life back.

(I swear the song is a pure coincedence!)