Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I have come across huge different customer personalities. And I decided to joint down some of the more memorable ones: Just today, I had an interesting conversation with one of them, an interesting know-it-all 40ish man. I knew him from the beginning of this year and he was pretty reserved in our first introduction meeting, haha i was amazed today that he was all out to chat with me, and most of all unhesitatingly discussed politics with me. Most of my customers, well practically all actually steered clear of political issues, needless to say politics and the old man. We had a very interesting discussion on whats going on at present: the so-real inflation in SNG (how come no one feel it??? wake up everyone man!!), the speeches that the LEE family made, yes the so-close-to-getting-senile one and we agree that it is called the LEE SAGA.

Another customer is no doubt an absolute intellect. A 40ish man who knows all about commercial investment, sometimes i feel that he should ditch me and be his own banker. Every meeting is definitely good chat on latest financial happenings all over the world: property, interest rates, forex etc. I have certainly learned heaps from him. Oh and i should say he makes the BEST COFFEE!!! never fail to perk me up every visit. Thank you.

Though most of my customers are Japanese based, i must say sometimes they are very anti-Japanese people haha... some of them actually called me to bitch about stuffs in their own companies, erm..i hope they do realized that phones in banks are tapped
. And the funny thing is that we purposely convey in Mandarin and hope they wouldnt understand....how silly and naive we can be at times of distress.

These people are the perks to my day most times. It is certainly an aspect of my job that i love (ESP the LEE SAGA)

Leaving my footprints behind.

See ya

Monday, July 16, 2007

Forced myself to start blogging again...My anger persists as long as i am breathing...i will continue to bitch as long as i still have my last breathe.

Working as a comfort woman (aka comforter) in a Japanese Organisation makes me see life so differently. Tough at times. Hey comforting Japanese men isnt easy!!! wonder how long I can continue comforting them...

I have always thot that they are asia's 'germans', u know what i mean...intelligent, creative, hardworking, great food, beautiful country, cute men, pretty chicks.. comforting makes me think otherwise...as perfect as they are, they are PSYCHOTIC! fucking psychos..comforters like me would know what i mean.

Meanwhile meaningless parliamentary debtates running on tv – totally white noise to me. Why do some people has so much free time to debate issues on TV, nothing better to do? Wait, there are actually people being paid millions of dollars simply to debate, shake hands and kiss babies and even better, they just got a couple million bucks raise. Use the monies for better things la…instead of just talking, signing and more talking, wasted all that saliva and water drank…global warming leh. Isnt there better things to do…..use the monies to help the fucking poor, disabled,….worse they just babble on and on…these people just make me sick….or worse some dont even babble, simply hide behind the 'superpowers' and these hiders still get millions.

Things we can do to save Mother Earth (SNG context):

  • Forget national day celebrations- all that fireworks, airplanes wayang is wasting
  • Give bio degradable plastics bags- if you dont want us to use them, give us the biodegradable ones
  • start the recycling campaign again- remember the bins with red, green, blue for us to dump wastes in accordance to their types...people should be civilise to use them by now (otherwise please refer to the next point)
  • use whip when fuckers rummage thru the trash in bins or think batteries are made of paper
  • forget about live earth, its all about 'making use of media' ...what happened in the end, trash lying all around after the worldwide concerts, more people watching tv, waste more electricity...people should have the fucking basic clue on the plight of Mother Earth by watching/reading the news....(sigh forgot propaganda everywhere also)...but at least watch TV/ read news.
*breathless man- sweat* if i continue, i will have high blood pressure, heart attack..and die while blogging...

See ya