Encountered a situation yesterday that was rather frown upon. One of my distant friends who seemed to be monitoring my blog, msn nic and/or whatsoever, had a new job, new gf, basically a new life. (known to the whole world due to extensive publicity with photos and nics), so as a friend, I simply congratulated him. Words I got in return was not within expectation: “you don’t seemed too good lately, you are very angry from your nics, seemed like you are in DEPRESSION…”. I think this comment deserves its justification.
Firstly as a distant friend, he does not have any rights to my state of emotions and if he is referring to my blog entries, it is obvious that he doesn’t really know me THAT well or had not only missed the very first entry of my blog, in fact he seemed to be missing every detail of it. Kindly be reminded that this is THE place which is all about feminism/bitch/financial life- aka the particle adventure. I voice human stupidities and bitch about life here! Do I really need to remind everyone again!?!!?! I love my angst, it is what that keeps me advancing in life. Perhaps this person should be more informed before he starts making biased comment, unfair it is, indeed.
If he or anyone else wants me to pen happy stuffs instead, I prefer not. I like to keep happy thoughts to myself as it is personal. It IS as simple as that. Perhaps this ‘friend’ is innocent after all, the fact that he is deep in his new love and life. Come on and get a grip, life goes on and on, no matter where you are. Dont prance on me just because you see the opportunity, to do that, you stink.
Encountered a situation yesterday that was rather frown upon. One of my distant friends who seemed to be monitoring my blog, msn nic and/or whatsoever, had a new job, new gf, basically a new life. (known to the whole world due to extensive publicity with photos and nics), so as a friend, I simply congratulated him. Words I got in return was not within expectation: “you don’t seemed too good lately, you are very angry from your nics, seemed like you are in DEPRESSION…”. I think this comment deserves its justification.
Firstly as a distant friend, he does not have any rights to my state of emotions and if he is referring to my blog entries, it is obvious that he doesn’t really know me THAT well or had not only missed the very first entry of my blog, in fact he seemed to be missing every detail of it. Kindly be reminded that this is THE place which is all about feminism/bitch/financial life- aka the particle adventure. I voice human stupidities and bitch about life here! Do I really need to remind everyone again!?!!?! I love my angst, it is what that keeps me advancing in life. Perhaps this person should be more informed before he starts making biased comment, unfair it is, indeed.
If he or anyone else wants me to pen happy stuffs instead, I prefer not. I like to keep happy thoughts to myself as it is personal. It IS as simple as that. Perhaps this ‘friend’ is innocent after all, the fact that he is deep in his new love and life. Come on and get a grip, life goes on and on, no matter where you are. Dont prance on me just because you see the opportunity, to do that, you stink.