Thursday, December 08, 2005

*What's ringing: Rewind by Stereophonics*

my ears are blocked too, nosy's blocked too. December is known to be the season of giving, yeah, giving one anothers' viruses and bacteria is more like it..long queues, charities (students running around asking for donations to dunno the 1000th charitable organisation), there goes the cash babae..forgive me everyone, christmas is somehow getting overhyped...even my company is playing some "game" with everyone, buying pressies priced at a certain amount for each other without revealing names..ya playing santa and all that...i am so bloody sure that my company aint the only victim of commercialisation...its worse when you have some idiots asking for way expensive stuff...come on honey, stic wtih the rules man, its budgeted at 20 bucks, to think that i dont even know you THAT well...give me a reason, come on give momma a reason why you deserve something more *slap slap*.....okok quit bitching!!.....Its sad the only time i get to sit down and write is when i am ill....*SNEEZIE- hand reaches for another kleenex* in case if anyone is gonna ask me what i have been doing, i think i better prepare a list..hey at least i try, meanwhile, i am gonna go for dinner, pathetic tasteless porridge, merry Christmas anyway:

  1. Got my arse running to exercise again EVERYDAY (i try);
  2. Reading has come back to my life (I try);
  3. Work, work and hey More Work
Just finished my conquer of a book by Joseph Finder- The Moscow Club. You said it- communism, Lenin, special agent, KGBs...the power and effect of communism is all was really fast paced in the beginning with special agent Charlie Stone crashing into numerous adventures: his love story with his 'wife' and the governmental secret that his dad kept from him...yada kinda draggy in the middle...and the ending?? i'm not going reveal find out. conclusion: if you are into communism theory and thriller, this is for you.
Having mini reviewing the above mentioned, my shelf is filled with books that i want to least my reading is back on track, just wait for my mini reviews, at least they aint gonna bore you to death like those "so serious" newspaper review.
*What's ringing got interupted: Warhead by Stereo MCs* - must check their latest album man, kick arses, puts me into a better xmas/holiday mood!


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