Day 0
Its Spring, certainly doesnt feel like spring here. Somehow, the weather and airport seemed to remind me of Australia, a long time ago... 14 hours on air is surprising not that bad, and i was mistaken as a new zealander due to my accent ...hmm (raised eyebrow). anyways, i had a misadventure the first thing i enter Amstersdam airport, i was picked up by a disgusting old man who cant keep his hands still and once its still, its at the wrong place. Gross! He killed my very first agenda to linger at the airport since my flight was too early for civilisation. Amsterdam was still much asleep. Seeing that i had not much choice, took a taxi to the hotel, little walk around. Waited for more than 5 hours to check it, its been a long cold day.
Hotel room was incredibly small, somehow nice in a way and things cant seemed to get any more costly...oh well, trip, food, travelling all expense paid trip conference, compliments from my company hee hee. Still, took a walk in city, ordered room service and wait for Day 1 of conference to come.
Met a person who also came for the conference, an indonesian, no offence, he was quite a leech, not monetarily but just dying for company. Gosh....hmmm i so wanna be alone at times....
Day 1
Reached Seminar office at 9am, met people of the same industry, some clients mostly from Europe; Germany, France, Lithuania, Belgium and of course, Dutch. I guess being the only sane asian in the seminar is certainly challenging. And oh yes, Mr indonesia continues to be a pain. Sitting beside me, i cant help but notice the twitching of his nose, weird breathing patterns and occasional spasms.I guess i wasnt the one who notice as Mr Belgium,Ms Australia did gave me the raised eyebrow look ;) let's just call Mr Indonesia: spasms boy.
Skype Baby ;), miss ya! While you are suffering at work muahahaha!!!
Day 2
Guess people are getting comfortable with one another, there's more interaction, its more interesting, and spasms boy is still fidgety. Conferencing today is more on EU's fiscal, export, import and agricultural policy. This is so like lecture in University, its been a long time since anyone discussed EU's agricultural policy concept with me, love it!
Went for the city tour organised by the host, went to red light district and had a DUTCH night. Everything was great, lots of cracking and laughing and of course, alcohol!!!! Lovely! The only lousy thing is that it rained, therefore it was damn bloody cold! I was shivering inside, yikes! And yes, spasms boy is still silly and painful.
Skype Baby ;), miss ya! While you are suffering at work AGAIN muahahaha!!!
Last day of conference, it feels kinda sad, its quite amazing and difficult to gather people from all over the world and its certainly great, sharing of ideas and culture twists, sigh al had to come to an end, Mr Israel left, soon Ms Germany, Mr Dublin, Mr Paris and Mr Lithuania left too. We had our final lunch in a Japanese restaurant in Amsterdam, it was great food!! Japanese cuisine had always been my 1st band of categorisation! Mr Lithuania is sweet, thinks my england is powderful ;) and hey, congrats on the upcoming arrival of your first princess! Take care, it was lovely chatting!
Changed my hotel to Le Coin, it was tons better than the previous one, more facilities and I CAN COOK!! So no time to waste, i squeeze in my shopping to 2 hours as i have no time, and did my grocery shopping in the small supermarket. felt soo good that i only spend 9 euros on dinner by cooking, certainly had fun!
Everything here is nice! Fashion's nice, weather's lovely, place's anciently beautiful, people're very friendly!...sigh.