Monday, April 03, 2006

Warning, this is gonna be a long posting!
Working hours had much shorten. Life is more or less the usual. I finished 3 books in total. impressive huh ;)- thus gonna go thru them 1 by 1...drumrooooooooooollll.....

1. "The curious incident of the dog in the night time by mark haddon"
I do admit that I have a soft spot for people who are not 'normal'. This book talks about an autistic child experiencing the normalities of human behaviour which include simplicities: taking the train, walking to school and worst of all, his parents are going thru a divorce, just imagine the impact of all these to the poor child. Tears roll down my cheeks, reading how christopher go thru life like he did in the book. next, the marvel of this book actually explores the way christopher like other autistic kids think....their intelligence way beyond normal. Impressive! Book is witty, intelligent. READ IT!

2."A Short History of Tractors in Ukranian by Marina Lewycka"

This book is funny. Talks about an 80 year old man being a widower but falling in 'love' with a 30++ woman with a teenage child. Insane! the things that a man would do for 'love'. he bought her all the stupid things including 2 cars that practically doesnt work etc etc with all his pension, gosh! and the woman, yes she's a bitch....divorce was the only logical option and in this book, we can truly relate in the family to these scenarios. A book that makes you wanna laugh, cry and puke blood. why not?

3. "The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown"
Dont ask me why i read this book, and i dont even bother to put the cover onto this page. Commercialised, over hype, just watch the movie.

yes i was there, full house concert!!! At the Esplanade. wonderful, beautiful performance, i had a great view too. All thanks to Baby's intelligent clicking of the mouse to get such great seats!!! just to share with you the pic and in case you are reading Mraz N Toca, you guys are super deliciously wonderful, sigh...(cant seemed to upload the rest, pics size too biggie!)

yes i went to see them too, as much as you can guess i was dead broke for more than a month cos these really rarities came to town, how can i miss all of them, it would be sooo against my soul. I love them all.


friends should know that i am leaving for amsterdam on saturday for business. representing my company to a seminar and negotiation. No fun..BUT all expense paid trip for 4 days, sure fun!! just wish me luck on the bloody 14 hr plane ride...Will definitely furnish a blog entry when i'm there with my space cake hahaah

Love n kisssessssss!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.

3:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!

3:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!

3:59 PM  

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