Monday, May 15, 2006

What's ringing: "wordplay by Jason Mraz" and back from amsteee

I need more than 24 hours in a day, seems like everyone would say that at a point of time. i would be thankful for everyday to be 36 hours, lovely isnt it....oh well, just a thought.....

As i enter a later phase of my life in another less than 10 days, i discover more factos of human being...especially on women, and especially since i am a very qualified one:

Fact 1:
As women get older, old story is that pounds packed on us are due to the death of metabolism, as true as it is, its just us lazy charms' fat ass lying around and on that couch...ha
ha....for any working person, sleep is No. 1 luxury...gosh and....No. 2 is a mini test and you will know why: take counts on how many times you would say: "hmm what shall we eat...oooo looks nice wonder thats's tasty"...on the contrary, we had to eat 3 meals a day.....wondering about good food doesnt seem too wrong....keep long story short, if you wanna eat like a king, keep your ass moving!

Fact 2: Cosmestic and beauty is our life! ever imagine yourself waking up to sagging skin...a friend asked me once: what would you do if you wake up one day and find yourself the ugliest, fattest women in the world. I love my 2nd answer and i would do it if it ever happen to me (erm...fingers crossed)...since i dont like to conduct my own suicide, i would stage mine and let things happen... will make my way as best as i could with my fat sagging ass to the lampost and wait for MY lightning...let nature do it man ..anyways, comestic is one thing that females cant resist....a late bloomer, i am helping myself to cosmetic hands-on experiments, purchases and consultations and i love it..manicure, pedicure, make ups-->here i come.

Fact 3: We love prints and bright colours, dont get me wrong, we still dig naturals and is just strange that bright colours/ prints are attracting us like ants to sweets, like magnets...eventually we probably end up disgusting other people with our bad fashion taste in the future.....not sure if you know what i mean...but look at aunties in the streets with bright disgusting floral prints and they look cheap ya that we are gonna end up like them in years to come even if you hate it muahahahah

Fact 4: We no longer understand new music...we seemed to think the old ones are better and the new ones suck (unless they really strike the right chord in our tunes). not just me, my friends, my baby are so stuck to our old tunes :(....keep an eye on this, see what your kids tell you, its a fucking vicious cycle!

enough of facts, lets do a little update of myself:
still working like a dog, backlog never seemed to be cleared, eat, fatter, older...speaking of older, --- the only thing thats stopping me working loads of over time is my baby!! --- wanna get a birthday pressie for myself,i do it every year....last year was a mobile phone...this year...i was thinking: an 800 bucks coach bag or some nice beauty treatment or Isqueeze! bag is not in the picture after all cos i would rather spend that 800 bucks overseas, haha sucker....we will see ;)

my mother is smart, never give me any birthday pressies in my life: her reason?: my education is her cumulative pressie to me. smarty pants! no matter what, i love my mama....

OOOOOO.. I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY; i started watching superband, a tv reality show on channel 8...i am never a fan of chinese music..i watch it cos i think young people are becoming more and more creative, talented. These are young commited people. this is a show where bands have the opportunity to compete and be the "SuperBand". there's judges and the public can vote on their favorite band. I was first turned off when i saw some groups cant even play muscial instruments...oh well, i watched on and saw some good ones and even enjoyed some..... I was disgusted though with 1 group, one stupid looking group.....after 3 shows and they are still not voted out...WHAT THE FUCK!....FUCK MAN FUCK! NO JUSTICE TO other 3 bands who were eliminated becos of them....somebody just kick them out of the aint any national tv competitive performance man,, its just some underage pricks singing out of tune.....FUCKERS!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.

3:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

3:53 PM  

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